Massachusetts Historical Society


Dr. Joseph Warren: The Boston Tea Party, Bunker Hill, and the Birth of American Liberty


Samuel Forman

Image of book cover for "Dr. Joseph Warren" by Sam FormanJoseph Warren (1741-1775) is acknowledged as a pivotal personality in early Revolutionary Era events, yet details of his agency have remained elusive. Famous in his own time and throughout the Early Republic, he is now barely remembered as the hero of the Battle of Bunker Hill, and as the person who sent Paul Revere on his iconic ride. Recounting his story has always been hampered by a paucity of primary sources. Warren's cryptic and incomplete medical account books at the Massachusetts Historical Society remain the largest trove of his primary source documents. Sam Forman describes novel analytic techniques applied to MHS Warren-related manuscript and relic holdings, and how they provided the keys to a fascinating life.

Samuel A. Forman is an historian, physician, educator, and businessman. He is the author of the just-released Dr. Joseph Warren: The Boston Tea Party, Bunker Hill, and the Birth of American Liberty. Based on new scholarship, it is the first full biography of this intriguing Founding figure to appear in 50 years and only the third ever written. He maintains the website Dr. Joseph Warren on the Web, which provides the extensive research material on which his new biography is based.

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